Ribbon Cuttings

Congrats on your grand opening! Let’s get your fellow members celebrating with you.

What to Expect at Your Ribbon Cutting

The Greater South Fulton Chamber of Commerce provides complimentary Ribbon Cutting services to our members as part of your benefits of membership.

The Chamber’s decorator will arrive 2 hours prior to the event to set up the balloon columns. Chamber staff and Ambassadors will arrive 30 minutes before your Ribbon Cutting begins with specialty scissors, red carpet runner, 2 gold stanchions, embossed ceremonial ribbon and the Chamber banner for the ceremony.

Traditionally, the ceremony agenda takes about 15 minutes, as follows: your guests arrive, a Chamber representative welcomes your business to the Chamber and to the community, a Chamber representative offers recognition of elected officials if present, you as the business owner (or a representative from your team) addresses the guests and introduces your staff and special guests (spouse, parent, children).

The ribbon cutting takes place with a photo op of you and your selected representatives along with the Chamber CEO or representative. Once the ribbon has been cut, you invite guests for refreshments and a tour of your facility. 

Woman holding ceremonial scissors and cutting ribbon for the grand opening of a local business.

Important Details


30-Day Notice Required

Ribbon cuttings are conducted Monday through Friday, from 10AM – 3PM. Submit your ribbon cutting request at least 30 days before your requested date.


Complimentary Services

The Chamber provides balloon pillars and a professional photographer for your ribbon cutting at no cost to you. If you’d prefer to hire your own event professionals, please let us know in advance.


Local Officials

Upon request, the Chamber staff can reach out to your local elected officials to invite them to your ribbon cutting on your behalf. Let us know if you’d like this assistance when submitting your request.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Request

Ribbon Cutting Request

Ribbon Cutting Terms

The Greater South Fulton Chamber will:

➡️ We will include your milestone celebration on the chamber’s website calendar with details about your business and event.

➡️ We will place your event in our weekly newsletter, post it on our social media platforms and distribute it via the Chamber’s email database

➡️ The Chamber’s decorator will provide you with a red carpet setup flanked with balloons and stanchions

➡️ The Chamber photographer will photograph the event at no charge

➡️ The Chamber CEO or a Chamber Board Member will present the manager with a gift from the Chamber

➡️ We will invite the Chamber membership, Board of Directors, Ambassadors and Chairman Circle Partners

Your Company or Organization will:  

➡️ Complete, submit the Chamber's Ribbon Cutting Request Form 30 days in advance

➡️ Confirm the availability of your requested date, keeping in mind that the Chamber only hosts ribbon cuttings Monday – Friday, during regular business hours.

➡️ Let us know if you need our assistance with inviting your elected officials from your business' municipality. we will only perform this service if you request it below.

➡️ Provide Chamber with your company logo (preferably in PNG format) for placement on the flyer and on the complimentary sign to be displayed at the ribbon cutting. All ribbon cutting events are promoted using the Chamber's branded template.

➡️ Provide 5-10 sentences about you and your business for the introduction during the event

➡️ Advise the Chamber of who will cut the ribbon from your company or organization

➡️ Prepare your remarks for the ceremony and invite friends, family, customers, business leaders, and media to be a part of the occasion